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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 30th06.2023

Free mini-conference at Aqua Nor: "The Future is Now"

Together with FishGLOBE and OVUM, we want to highlight floating closed-containment systems, which we believe is the solution to several challenges that the aquaculture industry is facing right now.

Aquaculture is the most sustainable way to ensure healthy proteins to the world’s rapdily increasing population. But in order to secure continued growth, the challenges concerning escapes, sea lice and local contamination has to be solved. The solution is Floating Closed Containment Systems.

It is a great pleasure to invite everyone to an open mini-conference at Aqua Nor, where representatives from FishGLOBE, OVUM and Bluegreen present and discuss the latest insights and technology on floating closed containment systems, and share experiences from salmon farming.

Floating Closed Containment Systems are the future of aquaculture, and the future is now.

Read the full program and save your seat now!

Nils-Johan Tufte

Partner / CEO

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