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Fact sheet Marine Donut

The aquaculture industry has been identified as an important growth industry when Norway is to become independent of its oil resources. But to ensure that the growth is sustainable, there is a need for new solutions that address the challenges the industry has with regard to escapes, lice and pollution, and not least production costs.

In 2019, the Directorate of Fisheries awarded two development permits for the Marine Donut concept. In the letter of commitment, the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries writes: "As a result of the concept being able to help solve several of the environmental and area challenges facing the industry, the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries considers that the project involves new and significantly improved production technology."

SalMar assumed commitments for development permits in 2022 and construction of the first Marine Donut started in April of the same year. The facility was completed the summer of 2023, and the first fish stocking was in the spring of 2024.

Download the project fact sheet here
