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McElroy Fusion Machines

McElroy is the world leading creator and manufacturer of game changing fusion equipment. We are their distributor on the Scandinavian market.

Productivity, quality and safety are the main pillars of McElroy's design philosophy. When you choose a McElroy machine, you can be absolutely certain that you will get a machine that ensures high productivity, is safe and user-friendly and has the very highest quality. The family-owned company, with headquarters and production in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has been driving innovation and progress within fusion machines since the 1950s. When the TracStar® was launched in the late 1990s, it was the first self-propelled, tracked fusion machine able to tackle nearly any terrain. Since then, an increasing number of innovations have seen the light of day, with Tritan™ 560 as the latest addition.

Here we present a small selection of McElroy's machines which are particularly well suited for Scandinavian conditions.

Visit McElroy's website to assess their full range, and read more about each individual machine.

McElroy fusion machines

McElroy TracStar®

The TracStar® fusion machines are the number one choice on jobsites fusing long pipelines with their ease of maneuverability and freedom of movement. Self-propelled via rubber crawler tracks, these vehicles can traverse rough terrain and grades up to 30%. All of the TracStars are self-contained with all of the necessary electrical equipment on board. The carriage is mounted on the track-driven chassis for easy pipe loading and movement along the pipe. The carriage is also removable so that pipe can be fused on special applications in the ditch. With fusion capabilities of 2" IPS to 48" OD pipe, there's a TracStar for most any size job.

Discover TracStar

McElroy Acrobat™

The Acrobat™ is a versatile machine capable of butt fusing pipe and fittings with a variety of pressure ratings. With its small footprint and light weight, it can be carried from joint to joint yet has the same rugged durability and long-lasting performance expected of any McElroy butt fusion machine.

Discover Acrobat

Why choose McElroy?

All McElroy machines have data logging as standard as well as the possibility of fully automatic welding (I series).
The McElroy machines are capable of welding all known standards.
McEloy's machines are designed to withstand extreme conditions, both in terms of cold, heat and terrain.
McElroy's machines are manufactured in the USA with the highest standards for both quality and HSE.
Industry-leading warranty with guaranteed performance. Each piece of equipment is given a 5-year warranty — the longest available in the industry.

Nils-Johan Tufte

Partner / CEO

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Phone +47 48 30 48 35

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