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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 28th09.2021

New Approval: StartBANK

StartBANK is a common register of suppliers to the construction industry. The purpose of StartBANK is to contribute to the use of serious suppliers in the industry, and ensure a fair competition on equal terms.

- The StartBANK approval means that we are pre-qualified to submit tenders. It proves that we have everything in order - be it HSE, taxes and VAT, etc., says Elg Ragnar Thunes, HSE and HR manager at Bluegreen. - StartBANK checks this every single year.

The register was established on the initiative of the National Association of the Construction Industry, based on the project "Seriousness in the construction industry". Several large companies only use suppliers that are approved in the StartBANK database, and many actively use the database to find new suppliers. The approval can thus open up the market and make us more visible to potential new customers, both among in the private and public sector.

- This is yet another proof that we have "everything in order", Elg concludes.

Elg Ragnar Thunes

Partner / HSEQ and HR manager

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