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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 31st08.2022

Energy Central Clemenskvartalet

Bluegreen has delivered marine plumbing work for the Energy Central Clemenskvartalet, including the installation of double seawater pipelines, intake and discharge pipes, as well as pipes and fittings in the energy central.

Project Description

Bluegreen has delivered marine plumbing work in connection with the energy central that supplies cooling and heating to the Clemenskvartalet district.

Environmental sustainability has been a key focus for the developers, and the project is certified as BREEAM NOR Very Good. One initiative has been to establish a cost-effective and environmentally friendly cooling solution with the highest possible degree of heat recovery. The project has been supported by ENOVA and implemented three innovative measures:

  1. High-temperature delivery from a heat pump to the district heating network, utilizing the same installation for district cooling.

  2. Establishment of double seawater pipelines.

  3. Advanced control of the energy central and energy system using machine learning and Model Predictive Controller (MPC).

The purpose of the double seawater pipelines is to prevent fouling and other operational challenges.

Bluegreen has delivered marine pipework for intake and discharge, as well as the installation of pipes and fittings on the cold side of heat exchangers. Most of the pipe dimensions are D315mm.

Project Facts

Client: Bispevika Energisentral.
Time frame: Jan 2022 - Aug 2022
600 meters of PE pipes, mostly D315.
Marine plumbing work, double seawater pipelines.
Pipes for intake and discharge water.
Installation of pipes and fittings in the energy central.

Bård Bergan

Project Engineer

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Phone +47 48 04 66 07