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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 30th06.2023

Energy Central for Drammen Fjernvarme

Bluegreen has delivered extensive pipework for the new energy central for Drammen Fjernvarme. The project included intake and discharge pipelines in PE, installation of PE pipes, and mechanical work in the seawater intake chamber and energy central at a depth of 17 meters. The project ensures sustainable heating and cooling production based on seawater.

Project Description

Drammen Fjernvarme has been supplying district heating to businesses and private individuals since 1984. Bluegreen was engaged to contribute to their new energy central at Brakerøya in Drammen.

The new energy central supplies heat to the city of Drammen and cooling to Brakerøya. The facility utilizes seawater as a resource for heating and cooling production, an inexhaustible, 100 percent clean and renewable resource.

The energy central provides district heating and cooling to the New Drammen Hospital and other buildings in the same area. Additionally, a separate backup system for heating and cooling will be established for the new hospital in Drammen.

Bluegreen has delivered an extensive piping package:

Diving work was performed by Dykkerservice.

Project Facts

Client: Drammen Fjernvarme
Time frame: Aug 2022 - June 2023
Approximately 1500 meters of PE pipes, d110–d900mm.
Intake and discharge pipelines in PE.
Installation of PE pipes and mechanical work in the seawater intake chamber and energy central.
The work was carried out at 17 metres sea depth.

Bård Bergan

Project Engineer

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