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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 31st03.2023

Land-Based Aquaculture: Sande Settefisk

Bluegreen contributed to the construction of the land-based aquaculture facility Sande Settefisk, with responsibility for the seawater pipeline, underground piping, process pipes, and PE lining of fish tanks. The project is an advanced solution for sustainable fish farming featuring modern RAS technology from Sterner.

Project Description

The project involved the construction of a land-based aquaculture facility for Sande Settefisk. The facility has a price tag of 270 million NOK excluding VAT and is designed to produce over 1,000 tons annually. The fish will remain in the facility until they reach approximately 500 grams before being moved to the sea.

Sterner has held the main contract, delivering systems for automation, pipe design and modeling, as well as all process equipment.

The facility draws water from the river to the RAS systems inside the halls, where juvenile fish grow into post-smolt ready to be transferred to sea cages. RAS stands for Recirculating Aquaculture System. These systems filter and reuse freshwater multiple times before it is released, treated, into the fjord. A small amount of new water is added for each cycle.

Bluegreen has served as a subcontractor, responsible for underground and aboveground piping, the seawater pipeline, and the PE lining of the fish tanks.

Project Facts

Client: Sterner, on behalf of Sande Settefisk
Time Period: Sept 2021 - March 2023
Approximately 4000 meters of PE pipes up to d800mm
Seawater pipeline.
Underground piping.
Process piping.
Lining of fish tanks.

Rune Dorholt

Project Manager / BIM Engineer

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