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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 31st08.2021

PE Pipes and Seawater Pipeline for SalMar’s Smolt Facility

Bluegreen provided design and installation of freshwater supply and drainage pipes for SalMar's state-of-the-art smolt facility at Tjuin. The project included 7000 meters of PE piping on land and a 2000-meter seawater pipeline for optimal water management.

Project Description

SalMar's smolt facility at Tjuin in Trøndelag has a capacity of 4,000 tons or approximately 20 million smolts, depending on their size. The project had a price tag of NOK 1.2 billion.

This state-of-the-art facility for smolt production is equipped with RAS technology, which reduces freshwater consumption by more than 97 percent compared to traditional flow-through systems. The collected sludge can be utilized within the circular economy, either as biogas or soil improvement material.

Bluegreen was responsible for the design and installation of freshwater supply and drainage pipes.

The piping system consisted of approximately 7,000 meters on land and 2,000 meters in the sea. To complete the project, we used our McElroy machines to weld suitable pipe lengths, which were moved into place in the terrain before the next section was welded.

Project Facts

Client: SalMar
Time frame: Feb 2021 - Aug 2021
Approximately 13,000 meters of PE pipes, d560mm.
Design and installation of freshwater supply and drainage pipes.
Installation of 7,000 meters of PE piping on land.
Installation of 2,000-meter seawater pipeline.

Bård Bergan

Project Engineer

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