BLUEGREEN GROUP | 2nd03.2022

A future-proof vocation

- I had no idea what I was getting into! But both people and profession have delivered above expectations, says our new apprentice Caroline Ritch-Wedding satisfied.

Nice guys

Caroline is a trained health professional, but chose to change vocation:

"I actually started at TIP (Technical and Industrial Production) after middle school, but was told by a teacher that I would not fit into a male-dominated profession. As an insecure 16-year-old, I chose to listen to the teacher and trained to become a health professional in stead. But that was not right for me. I like to use my body and make things", says Caroline.

Plastic mechanic Ida Nilsen, who is responsible for Caroline's daily training, nods in confirmation:

"I was also told by a teacher that this profession was not for me. But fortunately these attitudes are diminishing - both in school and in professional life. Older guys were perhaps more skeptical to women, but the guys who work here now think it's great with female colleagues. They see that we deliver professionally, and that the working environment improves when both sexes are represented."

"There is perhaps a little less "drama" in a male-dominated environment. The guys are more straight forward", says Caroline. "All my colleagues are really friendly and helpful".

Varied working day

As an apprentice, Caroline has a specially designed training course with defined curriculum goals:

"A typical working day consists of me following Ida around, observing, trying out and learning. At the end of the day, I document what I have done and which curriculum goals that have been involved", Caroline explains. "The working day is very varied. Yesterday I measured and drilled holes, point welded roof on filter, cut pipes for reductions and milled to smooth the transitions."

Read more: Ensuring skilled workers through apprenticeship

Solve environmental challenges

Caroline had actually aimed to become a car mechanic and traditional welder, but chose the plastic mechanic profession after tips from an acquaintance. And she has not regretted it!

"It is an exciting and "future-proof" vocation. Plastic is the material of the future! It is strong, durable and 100% recyclable. The solutions we develop, for example closed fish farming, help to solve important environmental challenges. This is rewarding to be a part of", Caroline concludes with a big smile.

Would you like to become an apprentice at Bluegreen? Read more about what it is like to work with us

Kristoffer Rønning

Project Engineer

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