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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 2nd06.2021

Awesome new fusion machine

Ok, we're a bit of a nerd when it comes to plastic fusion. So the mood was high when we received a completely awesome new machine last week - actually the only one of its kind in Scandinavia! The McElroy top model: Tracstar 1200.

Tracstar 1200 can fuse pipes with dimensions up to a staggering 1200 mm. It is mobile and belt-driven, which means that it can be used in rough terrain, which is a great advantage on many of our jobs.

The biggest advantage is the quality of the welds. Tracstar is fully automatic and hydraulically controlled, which provides good, efficient welds - with less personnel and lifting equipment. Without such a machine, there is often a lot of "hassle" with manual work and adjustments on pipes with large dimensions. Time to close the jaws and assure contact will also be much shorter with this machine - well within the requirements of the codes.

And like "icing on the cake": Tracstar automatically logs every single weld! It documents ALL welds with time and date, certificate number, image and location with GPS coordinates. All this is stored easily accessible to provide a world-class traceability.

Do you want to know more about what the Tracstar 1200 can do on your new project? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

Learn more about our services within plastic fusion

Kristoffer Rønning

Project Engineer

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