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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 23rd03.2023

Cooperation with NAV and Grep Grenland: – Win win!

There is a great need for more skilled workers in Norwegian industry, and Bluegreen is unfortunately no exception. We are growing quickly and plastic mechanic is a subject with low awareness. A good collaboration with NAV gives us access to candidates.

Børre Eriksen, Grep Grenland, Elg Ragnar Thunes, Bluegreen and Vidar Lager, NAV.

Elg Ragnar Thunes is responsible for recruitment at Bluegreen. He says that it is difficult to get hold of competent labour.

"People typically choose professions they know. And since the plastic mechanic profession has low awareness, they get few applicants. We want to work actively with the schools to turn this around, but it is a more long-term race. Through collaboration with NAV and Grep Grenland, we can get access to people who can contribute after just a few weeks training."

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The plastic mechanic profession gave an aha experience

The candidates Thunes is talking about come from the course "Hjelpearbeider bygg & anlegg" run by Grep Grenland. Participants are presented with different types of subjects within the building and construction industry, and choose to specialize in the subject they are interested in. After a tour of Marine Donut, the closed breeding facility that Bluegreen is building, several people opened their eyes to the plastic mechanic profession.

"It was not something they had thought of before. Because, as Elg says, the awareness of profession is low. But several had an aha experience", says Børre Eriksen, course manager in Grep Grenland.

From those interested, we selected two candidates who first get an internship in our production. If the interest is still there, they go on to take a course in the plastic mechanic profession - with a possible permanent employment with us as motivation at the other end.

Vidar Lager, market contact at NAV Bamble, says that they have good results with this model.

"When the candidates start with an internship at the company, the motivation is clarified early on, and we ascertain whether the person has the profile needed to fit in, both in the company and the profession. In this way, we avoid wasting time and resources on unnecessary training, for the good of both the candidate, the company and society," says Lager.

There is a place for everyone. You just have to find it.

Lager also says that many people have trouble getting a job because they have challenges such as reading and writing difficulties.

"But a plastic mechanic may well have challenges, but still become a good professional and a valuable asset for employers. If you like working independently and doing something you can get really good at, then it could be a good match," says Thunes. "A team with only strikers does not work well. Often people choose not to apply because they think they don't fit in. They put themselves down. But with this collaboration with NAV and Grep, we get the opportunity to get to know the candidates first."

"There is a place for everyone. You just have to find it."

A very inclusive company

Both Lager and Thunes are very satisfied with the collaboration.

"We have had a good collaboration with NAV since the start. Both when it comes to practical issues around sick leave, as well as recruitment and internships", says Thunes.

"We channel our energy to companies that want to cooperate with NAV. Who are genuinely concerned with creating results and not just exploiting the system. It should be a win, win," says Lager. "I can safely say that NAV considers Bluegreen to be a very inclusive company."

Could a job in Bluegreen be something for you? Read about the opportunities here.

Elg Ragnar Thunes

Partner / HSEQ and HR manager

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