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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 1st09.2022

District heating for the new Drammen Hospital

Drammen District Heating has supplied businesses and private individuals with district heating since 1984. They are now building a new energy center on Brakerøya in Drammen. Drammen will thus have Norway's largest heat pump facility located in one place!

Inexhaustible clean and renewable resource

The new energy center will supply Drammen city with heat and Brakerøya with cooling. The plant uses seawater as a resource for heating and cooling production. It is an inexhaustible, 100 percent clean and renewable resource.

- This project will enable Drammen Fjernvarme to deliver district heating and cooling to Nytt Sykehus Drammen and other buildings in the same area. In addition, a separate back-up supply for heating and cooling will be established for the new hospital in Drammen, says Bård Bergan, project engineer at Bluegreen.

Comprehensive pipe package

Bluegreen will deliver a comprehensive pipe package:

- We will deliver a total of over 1,000 meters of intake lines and discharge lines, and some of the work will be carried out at a depth of 17 metres. Here we collaborate with Dykkerteknikk. The assignment also includes the installation of PE pipes and mechanical work in seawater basin and the energy centre.

A solid supplier with highly qualified employees

Johan Grinrød in Norsk Energi is process and purchasing manager for the seawater plant. He says the following about why Bluegreen won the contract:

- Bluegreen is a solid supplier with highly qualified employees. They are therefore a natural partner in this prestigious project.

Work on the seawater pipes will start in August and is scheduled to be completed next autumn. The new center will be able to supply heating and cooling from spring 2024.

Bård Bergan

Project Engineer

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