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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 24th08.2022

Marine Donut arriving in Canada for sea trials

A scaled model of the closed-containment fish farm Marine Donut has arrived in Newfoundland to be modified and tested locally. The aim is to build a full-scale model in the province for ocean trials over the next growing season.

"We are speaking with various farmers to collaborate on sea trials using existing licences. It is also possible that we apply for licenses ourselves," says Mark Lane, director of Bluegreen Canada. "The first phase is to test the 1:10 model in the unique conditions here in Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, with waves and tides."

Marine Donut is a closed containment facility shaped like a donut. At full scale, the facility has a capacity for 1 million fish up to 1.1 kg depending on its use as a post-smolt facility or grow-out. The main structure is made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) which acts as a tight barrier against the external environment to prevent lice infestation and ensure good fish welfare inside the plant.

Read more: Marine Donut

The newly established company Bluegreen Canada Inc will introduce the closed-containment technology to salmon farmers in the Americas.

"This is an exciting market for us," says Nils-Johan Tufte, CEO of Bluegreen. "With ground-breaking technology and design, this closed containment facility can really contribute to increasing profitability in the industry while reducing negative environmental impact. Win win."

Read more: Establishes Bluegreen in Canada

Nils-Johan Tufte

Partner / CEO

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