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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 7th07.2023

Marine Donut: "On its way!"

On Friday afternoon, Marine Donut embarked on its journey from Bamble to Romsdal Fjord, covering a distance of 510 nautical miles.

People living along the Frier Fjord are accustomed to large ships, but it's not an everyday sight to see the world's largest donut sail by.

Because this afternoon, Marine Donut set off on its journey towards Romsdal Fjord, covering a distance of 510 nautical miles. It's no small feat to tow a plastic structure weighing over 600 tons, but with BOA on board, everything has gone according to plan (almost).

"We were only 3 hours delayed this morning, which we consider a success," says Sondre Thorsen, Operations Manager and responsible for the shipment of the Donut. "No one is in a hurry during such massive operations."

Now, the Donut is out at sea, and its expected arrival in Romsdal Fjord is sometime on Monday, depending on the weather, wind, and wave heights.

Upon arrival, our client SalMar, one of the world's largest fish farmers, will fill it with 200,000 salmon weighing 2.5 kilograms. They will swim around in the current within the "donut" until they reach 5.5 kilograms, ready to be harvested as food fish.

"Now the real fun begins," says Nils Johan Tufte, CEO of Bluegreen. "This is where we verify our hypotheses that Marine Donut promotes fish health, delivers premium fish quality, and ensures profitability for the fish farmer."

Photo credit: Droneinfo

Nils-Johan Tufte

Partner / CEO

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