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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 11th05.2022

New project for BioSort

BioSort's innovative concept iFarm is constantly being further developed. Using sensors, artificial intelligence and machine learning, iFarm will recognize salmon at the individual level, to give each fish the care and treatment they need.

BioSort's goal is to contribute to a significant reduction in the mortality rate – which is good for both the economy, the environment and the fish.

An important element in the concept is the ability to sort out fish that need extra care. BioSort recently tested a mechanism that sorts swimming fish inside the cage. During the test, the sorting mechanism was operated manually, but now that it has been shown that it is possible, the next step is to develop an automatic solution.

Bluegreen builds and delivers buoyancy elements to raise and lower the structure. This is necessary to achieve a smooth process during service and net replacement at sea. In this project, we will deliver a total of 27 buoyancy elements, which will be installed at Cermaq's fish farm in Steigen during the spring. Bluegreen also delivers a number of precision-cut functional parts as well as PE covers into the project.

Bernt Saugen, project manager at BioSort, is pleased with the collaboration with Bluegreen:

“Bluegreen has skilled professionals who are able to turn around quickly. We are in a prototype phase and the need for modifications may arise suddenly. Bluegreen has a short response time and the deliveries are of high quality.”

We thank BioSort for their trust and look forward to further cooperation!

Kristoffer Rønning

Project Engineer

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Phone +47 91 11 29 47

Do you want to find out how BioSort's iFarm-system actually works? Watch this informative video!