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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 6th09.2023

Our fourth apprentice is in place

As one of Norway's leading companies in thermoplastics, we feel a special responsibility to ensure the education of competent workforce. Now, our fourth apprentice is in place.

Like many others, apprentice Victor Øverland ended up in the plastic mechanic trade by chance.

"I was on the TIP (Technical and Industrial Production) vocation track in Bamble, and I wasn't sure which direction I should specialize in," Victor explains. "During an internship at Bilfinger, I became acquainted with the plastic mechanic trade and thought it might be something for me."

Never a dull day

Victor also had an internship at Pipelife before applying for an apprenticeship with Bluegreen. After four weeks, he is very satisfied with his choice.

"I really enjoy it here. There's never a dull day! The colleagues are friendly, and I get good guidance from my mentor Ida," says Victor.

Training from scratch

Since familiarity with the plastic mechanic trade is low, training has to start from scratch. Victor began with mirror welding of prefab parts for the NOAH project.

"The apprentices haven't learned anything about plastic welding in school. We have to start with the basics and go from there," says Ida Nilsen, who was an apprentice herself a couple of years ago. She is now a foreperson and responsible for mentoring Victor.

"Victor learns quickly, and we are very satisfied," she says. "NOAH is a good project to start with. The pipes have dimensions that are easy to handle, and since the project is so extensive, there's plenty of time to learn the craft."

Read more: NOAH - New technology increases capacity

Cleaner material

One of the advantages of plastic compared to steel is that it's less heavy, hazardous, and dirty.

"I started my career as a sheet metal worker," says Ida. "I often came home with cut injuries, and there was always a thick layer of dust in the shower. That never happens anymore."

If you want to know more about what it's like to work as a plastic mechanic, don't hesitate to get in touch! We are always on the lookout for skilled craftsmen, and having experience with plastic material is not a prerequisite.

Elg Ragnar Thunes

Partner / HSEQ and HR manager

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