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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 16th11.2022

We are expanding our engagement in prestigious CCS project

In August, we announced our engagement in the carbon capture facility being built at Norcem in Brevik. We have now commissioned to deliver the next phase of the project.

Our first commission was to deliver and install the package of non-metallic piping, i.e. pipes in the thermoplastic materials polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP).

Read more: Won pioneering contract for Aker Carbon Capture

Submarine pipeline for supplying the carbon capture process with cooling water

This project consists of delivering and installing the submarine pipeline.

"We are going to lay a 750 meter long submarine pipeline from the quay to a depth of 90 meters in the Eidangerfjord. The pipeline will transport seawater that will be used for cooling the carbon capture plant," explains Erik Klepp, project manager at Bluegreen. "The carbon capture process involves cooling down hot CO2 gas to liquid form, so that it can be transported in ships and stored under the seabed. The naturally cold seawater is an important part of this process."

"In the opposite direction, we will lay a 270-metre discharge pipeline down to a depth of 40 metres. It must be installed with a diffuser to spread the hot water."

Good experiences made it easy to choose Bluegreen

The buyer in Aker Solutions says that the good experiences with Bluegreen in the previous project were the reason why we were chosen again:

"Bluegreen has solid expertise in this field and are pleasant and flexible to work with. You have delivered well so far, so there was no reason not to continue the collaboration."

Planning starts now, while installation of the submarine pipeline is scheduled for August next year. We are collaborating with Dykkerteknikk on this project.

Want to know more about how the CCS-process at Norcem works? Watch this video.

Erik Klepp

Project Engineer

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