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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 29th09.2022

We are strengthening our project team

In order to realize the ground-breaking closed fish farm Marine Donut, we are strengthening our project management team. It is a pleasure to welcome Henrik Thorstensen to us!

Henrik Thorstensen comes from the position of VA engineer at Sweco. He is a qualified mechanical engineer, originally from Porsgrunn but now living in Bamble.

Thrives close to production

He will act as a "copilot" to Geir and share responsibility for the project management of the Marine Donut project.

"This is an extremely exciting project", says Henrik. "I've heard about the Donut for many years, it's incredibly cool that it's now becoming a reality."

Read more: SalMar signs contract to build the cutting edge fish farm Marine Donut

Henrik thrives close to the production: "That's where it happens, not here in the office."

A forward-leaning company with huge opportunities

It was easy for Henrik to accept the offer from Bluegreen.

"Bluegreen is a forward-leaning company. We are leaders in what we do, and have many exciting projects. Here there are many opportunities for development and growth, great variety and a fast pace. It turns me on!"

And it's not just at work that Henrik is busy. The 30-year-old has two children aged 5 and 2, and the third is on the way. When he is asked about his leisure interests, Henrik therefore answers, like many other parents of young children, "What leisure??" ;-) Before he adds that the family spends a lot of time at the cabin at Gautefall, and enjoys skiing and being active.

Henrik Thorstensen

Project Manager Engineer

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