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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 18th01.2023

Landbased fish farm in Sweden

When Sterner delivers RAS systems to the international energy group Fortum, Bluegreen is part of the team. The plant will ensure that the fish population in lake Vänern in Sweden is preserved.

For almost two years ago Sterner and Bluegreen entered into a multi-year strategic cooperation agreement. This has resulted in several exciting projects, in Norway, Iceland and now in Sweden.

Maintains the population by releasing smolts

"When you build a hydro power plant, it creates challenges for salmon and trout that live in rivers and streams", explains Rune Dorholt, project manager at Bluegreen. "That is why the energy company set up land based fish farms to produce smolt to be released into rivers and lakes. This way, they ensure that the population is maintained."

Gammelkroppa Lax, which is owned by Fortum, has cultivated fish for lake Vänern since the 1980s. Approximately 175,000 smolts are released annually. A new climate-adjusted cultivation system for both salmon and trout is now being built.

Establishes two new breeding departments

Sterner will deliver the new facility, which will contain two RAS systems. A growth department with twenty-two tanks of six meters in diameter, and a brood fish department which will contain twelve tanks of eight meters in diameter.

Brigitte Voss, project manager at Sterner, says that this is a very exciting project for the company.

"The Gammelkroppa system will consist of state-of-the-art technology ensuring that the fish have optimal growth conditions at all times. This ensures solid and robust growth prior to release into nature. Additionally, the system will be controlled using Sterner Automation making daily operation easy while also monitoring vital key parameters."

Read more: Five months of work, covered in concrete

Piping below and above ground

Bluegreen will deliver the piping to the RAS-systems, both below and above ground.

"We are in the process of prefabricating the pipe parts in our workshop", explains Rune. "With prefab's the installation job goes smoothly when we are at location."

Bluegreen will have a team of four plastic welders and industrial plumbers in place in Gammelkroppa from week 7.

Rune Dorholt

Project Manager / BIM Engineer

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