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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 10th04.2024

Relocating workshop: Now everyone is in the same place!

After a few years at Røra in Skien, we have now moved our plastic workshop to the main office in Bamble. This makes the commute short, both up to the office and down to the construction site by Frierfjorden.

There is a beaming workshop manager standing in the large, airy workshop hall at Asdalstrand.

"We needed more space," Kristoffer Rønning confirms. "We've grown a lot in the past year, and the growth shows no signs of slowing down.

"Additionally, it's great to be in the same place as both the main office and the construction site by the dock. It's practical because many of the parts we make will be used on projects down at the site. Now we can transport them down in a couple of minutes."

And it's also great for our culture. Being able to have lunch and a chat in the hallway with colleagues from other departments is good for unity and enjoyment.

From plastic research to plastic welding

It was Norner who had the large workshop hall before. Then it consisted of equipment for researching plastic, while now it's equipment for welding plastic parts and plastic products.

"I would say this is Norway's most modern plastic workshop," says Kristoffer proudly. "We have pipe welding machines, plate welding machines, a plastic saw, and two CNC mills. That is, the CNC mills are still at the old workshop - we need to finish a big job before they can be moved down here."

Co-location fosters better unity

In addition to more space and good lighting, there is one thing Kristoffer is especially happy about: "In the new workshop, we have an overhead crane. Now it will be much easier to handle heavy lifting!"

There are 12 employees belonging to the workshop. Among them are Guro Eilefsen and Bwe Htoo.

"It's great to have more space and to be closer to the rest of our colleagues in Bluegreen," says Guro happily.

Kristoffer Rønning

Project Engineer

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