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We work for a more sustainable future

The ocean covers 70 percent of the earth's surface and contains 95 percent of the habitats on our planet. The ocean provides us with oxygen, much of the fresh water we drink and the food we eat. But life in the sea is threatened. Of climate change, overfishing and pollution. Of environmentally hazardous emissions. Waste materials. Leaks.

To save the sea, we must act now. We're up to the challenge! With our technology and expertise, we will create tomorrow's solutions - environmentally friendly products for, and in, water.

We work mainly along three axes when it comes to sustainability:

  1. Closed fish farms that produce high quality fish with minimal environmental footprints. This applies to our in-house developed product Marine Donut, as well as solutions we deliver together with customers and partners. Closed fish farms address the challenges of escape, lice and overconsumption of medicines and feed.

  2. Plastics in the ocean can be a problem. But infrastructure in the sea, in the form of pipes, structures and fish farms, is unquestionably positive. It reduces material consumption and prevents leakage, for generations. And when they have to be disposed, the materials are recycled into new products. Completely tight and corrosion-free pipes and structures ensuring the valuable resource that is clean water does not get lost or contaminated along the road.

  3. Carbon capture and storage (CCS) can be the solution that reduces CO2 emissions without at the same time reducing our value creation. CCS is pointed out by many as a prerequisite for achieving the two-radar target. We work with leading players with revolutionary technologies to not only capture CO2 but transform it into added value products - so-called CCU: Carbon Capture and Utilization. Together with these, we develop thermoplastic structures and infrastructure making the technology possible in practice. Bluegreen has also entered into several important collaboration agreements for the application and implementation of CCUS in the important industrial region of Grenland. In Canada, we participate in the exciting project "CO2 Footprint in Aquaculture".

Sustainability Goals

Goal 14 - Life Below Water

We use our technology and expertise to develop new, closed fish farms, and work with customers to make their solutions more sustainable. In this way, we contribute to conserving and using marine and marine resources in a way that promotes sustainable development.

Goal 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation

We work with sustainable infrastructure, tight and corrosion-free manholes, pipes and structures. These ensure that clean water arrives safely without infiltration, and that the wastewater is led where it is supposed to without leaking into nature.

Goal 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

We use recyclable materials and create efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. Our focus area is the "splash zone" - where land meets water - a place experiencing corrosion issues. Hence, particularly strict demands on materials and structures are required. Our solutions are well suited for infrastructure related to CCU and CCS.

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