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BLUEGREEN GROUP | 25th04.2024

Record numbers are interested in joining our team!

Bluegreen is gearing up for big endeavors (literally!), and we're on the lookout for more talented individuals to join our team! Currently, we're in need of skilled plastic technicians, as well as craftsmen in carpentry, metal fabrication, industrial plumbing, and industrial mechanics.

"We would love to have applicants with experience in plastics, but it's not a requirement," says Elg Ragnar Thunes, HR Manager at Bluegreen. "We understand that the field of plastics is niche, which is why we offer comprehensive training. The most important thing is that you enjoy working with craftsmanship, are eager to learn new things, and thrive in a fast-paced environment."

Right now, Bluegreen is running a recruitment campaign in local newspapers and on Facebook to attract new employees. Thunes reports that the response has been overwhelming.

"The campaign has only been running for almost a week, and we've already received a record number of applicants. And among those, plenty of talented individuals! Unfortunately, the times are challenging in the construction industry, with layoffs and redundancies, so we've received several applicants from that industry," says Thunes.

Read more: Join our team

Building the world's largest 'donut'

Bluegreen is perhaps best known for constructing what is referred to as the world's largest 'donut' - the closed fish farming facility Marine Donut.

"Marine Donut is primarily made of HDPE (high density polyethylene), a plastic material highly resistant to corrosion, which is crucial for its use in saltwater. It's also 100% recyclable, so when the facility is no longer in use, the plastic will be ground up and used to create new products."

An enthusiastic ambassador for the plastics industry

"Thermoplastics like PE are clean and versatile materials, and can be used for a variety of purposes," says Thunes enthusiastically. "The aquaculture industry is significant for us, but we also have many jobs in infrastructure and industry, such as welding and laying water and process pipelines. Many may have heard about our involvement in the Google project? We're currently engaged to lay water pipelines to the site."

Another well-known local project is the CCS facility in Brevik, where we lay plastic process piping both above and below ground, in addition to subsea pipelines.

Bluegreen also has a state-of-the-art plastic workshop recently relocated to Asdal in Bamble, along with the rest of Bluegreen. There, we manufacture plastic parts and products, often customized or specially designed.

Read more: Workshop relocation: now everyone's in one place

Big things ahead

In the ad, we tease that we have big things in the works. Unfortunately, we can't reveal what they are just yet.

"Bluegreen has only been operating for just over 3 years. We've already experienced strong growth and see no signs of it slowing down. On the contrary! We have big things ahead, and those who join our team now will be part of an exciting journey," concludes Thunes mysteriously.

Elg Ragnar Thunes

Partner / HSEQ and HR manager

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